New Faculty Publications
February 15, 2012

“Modeling Forest Trees and Stands,” co-authored by University Distinguished Professor Harold Burkhart and Margarida Tomé, a forestry professor at Portugal’s Technical University of Lisbon, draws upon past research and results to provide a comprehensive summary of state-of-the-art methods for empirical modeling of forest trees and stands. “The book, which focuses on applied topics in forestry, opens by providing methods for quantifying individual trees, progresses to an overview of whole-stand, size-class, and individual-tree modeling approaches, and moves on to incorporating silvicultural treatments and wood characteristics in growth and yield models,” Burkhart said. “With its international focus and theoretical basis, it is ideal for graduate-level forestry courses as well as a reference for researchers working in growth and yield modeling.”

Dean Stauffer, wildlife professor and associate dean of academic programs, is the primary editor of “Ecology and Management of Appalachian Ruffed Grouse,” a comprehensive overview of grouse ecology and management in the central and southern Appalachians. “This book represents the culmination and synthesis of six years of field work conducted by scores of individuals from a diversity of state and federal agencies, universities, and private organizations,” noted Stauffer in regards to the Appalachian Cooperative Grouse Research Project, in which investigators captured, released, and followed the fate of over 3,000 grouse from Rhode Island to North Carolina. “We summarize the findings from 18 theses and dissertations in a way that is accessible to all who may be interested in grouse.”

Dean Emeritus J. Michael Kelly co-authored “Getting Published in the Life Sciences” to make it easier for scientists, especially those new to scientific writing, to write about their results and get their manuscripts accepted in peer-reviewed journals. It uses a new “backwards” approach to manuscript development, teaching writers to construct a manuscript beginning with conclusions and ending with the abstract, leading to a more focused, compact manuscript that has a greater chance of getting published. “Quick communication of research results in a clear and concise manner is essential for success in today’s highly competitive environment,” Kelly remarked. “Having a clear picture of the take-home message from the start provides the writer with focus and facilitates expeditious development of the manuscript.”