Downing Honored for 'Generation Next'
February 15, 2012

Extension Agent Adam Downing, Michael LaChance of Virginia Cooperative Extension, and Michael Santucci of the Virginia Department of Forestry recently earned national acclaim for their work to help preserve family forests. They received the “Most Innovative” award from the U.S. Forest Service and the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay in the inaugural Chesapeake Forest Champion contest created as part of the U.N. International year of Forests. Their “Generation Next” short course provides forest landowners with tools to ensure a smooth intergenerational transfer of their property while keeping critical forests intact.
“This issue has been the ‘elephant in the room’ for many years,” Downing said. “It is an honor to be part of a team that works tirelessly to help landowners prepare for such important and far-reaching changes.” A dedicated cadre of professionals from both public and private entities has assembled for each of the past three years to engage family landowners in this challenging issue. “The quality and impact of this program is directly due to the substance and passion shared by the instructors,” noted Santucci.