Alavalapati Named U.S. State Department Program Senior Fellow
February 15, 2012

Janaki Alavalapati, professor and head of the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, was named a 2011 Senior Fellow in
the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) program of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. The program addresses issues such as clean energy, sustainable landscapes, and climate-change adaptations. With assistance from U.S. embassies, Fellows visit other countries to share best practices and expertise in research and development.
“I’m honored and excited to be invited to help our partner countries address their energy and environmental challenges,” Alavalapati said. “I hope to draw upon my economics and policy background and sustainable forestry experience in advancing the program.” During his one-year appointment, Alavalapati will work with representatives from government and nongovernment agencies and academia in countries seeking assistance; he will also work in an outreach capacity and participate in media interviews.