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Change Majors

Academic paths change, but we can help you find your way

College is a time of exploration and discovery — as well as surprises! You may find that what you thought was your dream major is not the right fit, or that some other interest is really where your heart lies. Regardless of how many twists and turns your academic path may take, our advisors can help you find the program of study that matches your career and life goals.

Changing majors, minors, and options at Virginia Tech

If you need to make a change, the process differs depending on whether you are already a student in CNRE or if you are part of another college. You also need to know whether a major is restricted or non-restricted, and pay attention to the deadlines.

There are three periods annually when you can change your major through Hokie SPA. The dates when each period opens and closes are available through the University Registrar. All CNRE majors are non-restricted, meaning there are no specific entrance requirements and access is not restricted.

If you’re interested in several majors within the college, you might find it helpful to first meet with Jarek Campbell (, the assistant director of recruitment, who can provide an introduction to all CNRE majors. To schedule an appointment through Navigate, select “Explore Multiple CNRE Majors” when you are logged in. You can also view the CNRE info session anytime to learn about majors.

Once you know which CNRE major you’d like to pursue, you can contact one of the advisors and schedule an appointment through Navigate by selecting “Explore [Major]”. CNRE’s advisors are listed below by department:

  • Fish and Wildlife Conservation: Maggie Johnson, Melissa Cumbia, and Dana McGuire
  • Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation: Melissa Cumbia
  • Geography: Julie Burger
  • Sustainable Biomaterials: Maggie Johnson

There are three periods annually when you can change your major through Hokie SPA. The dates when each period opens and closes are available through the University Registrar. All CNRE majors are non-restricted, meaning there are no specific entrance requirements and access is not restricted.

Complete the form available on the Advising Center page for Major Option/Second Major Declaration. Instructions for submitting the form electronically can be found on the same page.

If the minor is in CNRE, complete the form available on the Advising Center page for Minor Declaration. Instructions for submitting the form electronically can be found on the same page. If the minor is in another college, schedule an advising appointment with that college and fill out the appropriate form for that college. Minor checksheets are available through the University Registrar.

If the major is in CNRE, complete the form available on the Advising Center page for Major Option/Second Major Declaration. Instructions for submitting the form electronically can be found on the same page. If the major is in another college, schedule an advising appointment with that college and follow the process outlined above for students who want to change their major. But keep in mind that some majors are restricted, meaning there are strict entrance requirements and policies for internal transfers.