New Director of Center for Unit Load Design
February 15, 2012

Laszlo Horvath, who joined the faculty in 2010 as an assistant professor of practice, has been named director of Virginia Tech’s Center for Unit Load Design. Based in the Department of Wood Science and Forest Products, the center develops technologies to optimize material handling efficiency and serves as the outreach arm of the packaging science program by offering short courses and workshops, and providing testing services to the packaging industry. Horvath will work to expand the center and open up new dimensions for packaging distribution research. “Dr. Horvath is well positioned to take the reins of the center and provide dynamic leadership,” said Department Head Barry Goodell.
“I am currently leading the center through a lean transformation in which the layout will be optimized to improve organization and provide additional space for future growth,” said Horvath. “We are also standardizing testing procedures and maintenance schedules. Once the lean transformation is finished I plan to revitalize the academic and industrial research conducted by the center.”
The undergraduate curriculum in packaging science, which is being redesigned to better reflect the scope of the industry and prepare graduates to work in a broader range of positions, includes a strong focus on sustainability, emphasizes experiential learning, and teaches continuous improvement principles such as lean manufacturing. “One of my goals is to create a student-friendly center where trained undergraduate students can be part of some of the non-proprietary testing and research projects,” stated Horvath.
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