Klopfer elected to Commission on Research
May 15, 2015

Scott Klopfer, director of the Conservation Management Institute, has been elected to represent research faculty on the Virginia Tech Commission on Research, bringing the voice of this group of several hundred to university research governance for the first time.
“I am honored to be the research faculty representative to the commission and hope that through my involvement the concerns of research faculty across the campus can be heard and considered when making policy decisions,” Klopfer said. “The efforts of research faculty add to the university’s overall research portfolio, helping Virginia Tech meet its research goals.”
Klopfer, who joined the Conservation Management Institute in 1998 and was named director in 2009, will serve a three-year term on the commission. His research interests include habitat modeling, landscape ecology, decision support systems, and ecosystem services.
The Commission on Research is charged with studying, formulating, and recommending appropriate policies and procedures concerning research to the University Council. Areas of consideration include intellectual properties, research subjects, corporate liaisons, and other matters affecting research.