University hosts national Packaging Jamboree
August 15, 2014

Virginia Tech hosted the 29th annual national Packaging Jamboree March 20-21 under the theme “Packaging a Global World.” About 70 undergraduate students and 40 industry representatives attended, including three students from Turkey and one from South Africa.
Presentations and exhibitions focused on the global challenges and opportunities facing the packaging and distribution industries in the future. Discussions included distribution to new and expanding markets and how technology can manage increasing energy costs, limit environmental impacts, reduce product damage, and increase overall efficiency.
“This event was very successfully organized and driven by the packaging student group,” said Assistant Professor of Practice Young Kim. “Students had an ideal chance to develop their own network with the industry and to learn about the impact of globalized packaging systems.”
“My favorite part of the event was seeing how excited the industry representatives were to meet with the students,” said Zack Shiner, the main student planner of the event. “Events like these really help to make communication more comfortable between packaging companies and students. Luckily the Department of Sustainable Biomaterials has a great group of dedicated professors and students who worked very hard to make this event a success.”