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Spring 2011

Sustainable Forests

Sustainable Biomaterials

Sustainable World

Sustainable Business

Sustainable Land

Sustainable Water

Sustainable Leadership and Engagement

  • Article Item
    D.C. Program on Sustainability Cusp , article

    The natural resources programs offered by the college in the National Capital Region are specifically designed to meet the needs of working professionals seeking credentials for job advancement, a career change, or a graduate degree. Two recent additions complement the existing programs.

  • Article Item
    Engagement Dean Forges Robust Outreach Program , article

    In recent years Virginia Tech’s outreach efforts, once thought of mainly in the context of Extension, have broadened significantly to include many other kinds of activities, not just in the state but across the nation and around the globe.

  • Article Item
    Students "Walk the Talk" , article

    Students in the college take their commitment to preserving natural resources and the environment personally and often far beyond the classroom.

Sustainability Curriculum

  • Article Item
    CNRE Courses Reflect Growing Importance of Sustainability , article

    It would be difficult to enter any discussion on natural resources and environmental issues without addressing sustainability in some manner. Accordingly, principles of sustainability permeate most of the courses offered within the College of Natural Resources and Environment.

  • General Item
    Additional alumni news

    We love hearing about all the great things going on with our alumni — awards, promotions, retirements, etc. Regrettably, we don’t have enough space in the newsmagazine to print them all. You can now catch up with former classmates and fellow Hokies online.