Cadet Highlights Colors at Alabama Game
November 15, 2013

Cadet 1st Sgt. John Rogalo of Stanhope, N.J., a junior environmental resources management major, was selected to travel with the football team and receive the flags during the pre-game ceremony at the University of Alabama game in Atlanta on Aug. 31. Cadets performing this honor are selected based on their performance during training.
Rogalo, a Marine Option cadet in the Naval ROTC program and a recipient of the Renae C. ’90 and James A. Pearson ’87 Emerging Leader Scholarship, was recently honored as the outstanding cadre member during New Cadet Week training, when more than 100 upper-class cadets train the newest members of the corps. He plans to serve as a combat engineer officer in the Marine Corps after graduation.
“There is not a more disciplined and professional person in this regiment,” said Cadet Col. Jordan Disney, who nominated him as the outstanding cadre member. “He embodies what the Corps of Cadets is all about, including every tenet of [the Regimental Commander’s] leadership philosophy and each of the Pylons.”