Two faculty recognized by Alumni Association
November 15, 2017

Two faculty members in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation have been recognized by the Virginia Tech Alumni Association.
Marcella Kelly, Associate Professor, Fish and Wildlife Conservation with some of the cameras she uses for photographing wildlife.

Professor Marcella Kelly received the Award for Excellence in International Research. Kelly has secured about $1 million in sponsored research projects and funding with a diverse international portfolio spanning several countries, including work with the National Science Foundation in Belize and the World Wildlife Fund in Sumatra and Nepal. Thirteen of Kelly’s graduate students have conducted research internationally, and she involves several undergraduate students in her work overseas every summer. “Dr. Kelly has established an internationally recognized research program that is contributing to the conservation of biological diversity abroad as well as here in the commonwealth. The impacts of that research program on students from Virginia Tech and from the host countries are clear,” Department Head Joel Snodgrass wrote in Kelly’s nomination.

Professor Dean Stauffer received the William E. Wine Award, which includes an induction into the Academy of Teaching Excellence. In his 33 years at Virginia Tech, Stauffer has proved his excellence through developing four undergraduate and two graduate courses, mentoring 19 master’s and nine Ph.D. students, and serving on many more master’s and Ph.D. advisory committees. “Dean was conscious of the full spectrum of ‘student engagement’ within his courses, which varied both among students and across the course content. Dean’s enthusiasm for teaching, for his students, and for the actual subject matter was always remarkable,” wrote a former graduate student. Stauffer explained that the foundation of his teaching philosophy is remembering that “each student is an individual of great worth, each with their own story, and deserving of my respect and best effort.”