Burkhart honored by IUFRO, Virginia Tech
November 15, 2014

University Distinguished Professor Harold E. Burkhart received the prestigious Host Country Scientific Achievement Award from the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), the largest global network of forest researchers, during its 2014 World Congress in Salt Lake City. He is one of three recipients of the award, which recognizes outstanding career achievements by scientists from the nation hosting the event, last held in the U.S. in 1971.
“Dr. Burkhart has had an exemplary research, academic, and professional career for more than 40 years,” announced IUFRO. “He has made significant and path-breaking contributions to the development of quantitative models for forecasting forest stand dynamics growth and yield.”
Burkhart, the Thomas M. Brooks Professor of Forestry, has received numerous awards in science, forest biometrics, and statistical ecology over the years for his research that has improved forestry practices, including being named Virginia’s Outstanding Scientist of 2013.
“Harold is not only a world leader and innovator who has had enormous impact on the sustainability of forest resources,” noted Dean Paul Winistorfer, “but also a respected educator who has mentored many young scientists in the U.S. and around the world.”
In April, Burkhart was recognized for his 45 years of service to Virginia Tech. He joined the faculty of what was then the Department of Forestry and Wildlife in 1969 and has remained there ever since, serving as head of the Department of Forestry from 1995 to 2008. Thanks, Harold, for your years of dedicated service!
Read the full press release.