Two of the college’s employees were recognized with 2013 Alumni Awards for Excellence.

Kathleen Alexander

Associate Professor Kathleen Alexander received the Alumni Award for Excellence in International Outreach. Alexander was recognized for “seamlessly connecting” her teaching and research programs to her international outreach work in Africa improving the lives of people in Botswana. Among her most notable work is the creation of the Center for the Conservation of African Resources: Animals, Communities, and Land Use (CARCAL) with her husband, Mark Vandewalle, an adjunct professor.

“Kathy is a brilliant scholar who successfully uses her many skills to connect to people in Botswana,” said Dean Paul Winistorfer. “She recognizes that her most important goal is to improve the lives and livelihood of these people, while respecting the human- wildlife interaction that is coupled with environmental sustainability.”

Jennifer Gagnon

Project Associate Jennifer Gagnon received the Alumni Award for Excellence in Extension. As statewide coordinator of the Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program, Gagnon provides the state’s 365,000 landowners with timely, scientifically based information about forest management and related topics via a range of educational programs and courses. One of her newest programs, Real Forestry for Real Estate, is designed to educate real estate professionals about forest management, with more than 450 real estate professionals participating so far.

“Jennifer is a remarkable Extension professional with an impressive list of achievements,” said John Munsell, associate professor and Extension specialist. “She elevates the relevance and reach of both the department and the college. Jennifer is a tireless professional, a pleasure to work with, and a constant inspiration.”