To reflect the growing emphasis on sustainability, the college’s fisheries and wildlife sciences department has changed its name to the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation. The new name is one of a number of steps the college is taking toward further positioning itself as a leader in the area of sustainability. “We are refocusing our efforts to address the most critical and pressing problems facing the global community,” said Dean Paul Winistorfer. “The programs of the college are central to nearly every conversation you wish to have about sustainability, natural resources, or the environment, and renaming the department helps set the stage for the future.”

The change also intends to correct misconceptions stemming from the former department name. “The old name conjured up images of bass fishing and deer hunting,” Department Head Eric Hallerman explained. “Students interested in environmental sciences were not realizing
that our program is so much broader than that and actually affords them a wider range of opportunities. We now have a name that reflects more of what we are about, one that should not only capture students who have conservation and environmental science interests but also attract a wider range of research collaborators.”

In response to student interest, the department has developed a marine fisheries option within the fisheries science major, the first in the commonwealth. “There is a growing need for marine fisheries scientists, as sustainable marine fishery practices have become an issue,” Hallerman noted. In addition to taking courses with a marine science focus, students also spend the first semester of their senior year at another university, providing them with hands-on experience in marine fisheries techniques. “These students, who will be leaders in sustaining marine resources, will be the ones to tackle future challenges,” said Hallerman.