Guillermo Trincado (’03, ’06) directs Chilean forest modeling effort
February 15, 2018

Guillermo Trincado (’03 M.S. statistics, ’06 Ph.D. forest biometrics) has been named director of Chile’s National Simulation Model Project. The project, which develops growth and yield simulation models for radiata pine and eucalyptus plantations to support management decisions, was recognized as one of the country’s most innovative projects by the Chilean Academy of Sciences in 2013.
Trincado, a professor at the Universidad Austral de Chile, had served as a research assistant for the Forest Modeling Research Cooperative under Professor Harold Burkhart. “Guillermo’s experience with modeling forest stand development, coupled with his ability to collaborate with researchers and managers, made him an ideal candidate to assume leadership of this national project,” Burkhart said. Trincado earned the A.B. Massey Outstanding Graduate Student Award for forestry in 2005 and the college’s Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award in 2012. He also received an Outstanding Doctoral Research Award at the International Union of Forest Research Organization’s World Congress in 2010.