Jones Named Extension Director
August 15, 2011
Edwin J. Jones (’79 M.S. and ’83 Ph.D. in fisheries and wildlife sciences) has been named director of Virginia Cooperative Extension and associate dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech. He is also tenured in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.
“We are extremely pleased that he has agreed to accept this position,” said Provost Mark McNamee. “His leadership will be critical to the future of Virginia Cooperative Extension given the challenges facing the organization over the next few years.”
Jones held numerous leadership positions during his 23- year tenure with North Carolina Cooperative Extension. A nationally recognized expert in natural disaster education, he helped North Carolina Cooperative Extension bring its vast network and educational resources to families, communities, and agricultural businesses to help them prepare for and recover from disasters.
North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue appointed Jones to the Sustainable Local Food Advisory Council in 2010. He is also a co-founder and board member for the North Carolina Agromedicine Institute and serves as an advisor for the National 4-H Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program. His many awards include the U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary of Agriculture Honor Award and The Wildlife Society Outstanding Education Group Award for the National 4-H Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program.