Results for: Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability
Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability
Article ItemAlumni Profile: Jay Pinsky — Retired Serviceman, Active Agent of Change , article
The lifelong outdoorsman wanted to develop his leadership skills, but after 20 years in the Navy, he was casting around for what he should do with the rest of his life.
Article ItemXMNR's three-year legacy in China , article
Since 2012, the college’s Executive Master of Natural Resources (XMNR) accelerated graduate degree program, based in the Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability, has sent a cohort of students on a 10-day international residency to Yunnan Province, China, to concentrate on sustainable development in the region.
Article ItemNew center partnerships work toward responsible water management , article
Effectively managing the planet’s water resources is critical to ensuring equitable development around the world.
Article ItemGlobal sustainability center forms external advisory group , article
The college’s Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability in the National Capital Region has formed the 2050 Council — a 14-member external advisory group comprised of business, nonprofit, and public sector executives.
Article ItemNew international sustainability consulting certificate program , article
The college’s Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability has introduced a new certificate program in International Sustainability Consulting.
Article ItemMaster's cohort explores water-related issues in India , article
During the 12-day trip, students met and observed local organizations and individuals who are working to improve water management in some of the poorest and driest areas in the world.
Article ItemNew faculty publication , article
Brian Czech debunks the widely accepted myths held by politicians, economists, and Wall Street that unlimited economic expansion is the Holy Grail.
Article ItemStudent partners with Campbell Soup to make Camden a 'healthy community' , article
Partnering with the Campbell Soup Company’s Healthy Communities program has opened Pam Nagurka’s eyes to the private sector’s role in social issues.
Article ItemNo geographical boundaries for online natural resources program , article
Working toward a master’s degree in natural resources has been part of Lowaeli Damalu’s life for the past six years and her dream for even longer. On May 15, she attended the Virginia Tech National Capital Region Commencement to receive her degree, having traveled more than 7,600 miles from Tanzania to attend.
Article ItemGift from alumnus and family to help tackle the challenge of environmental security , article
Mike and Kathy Melo are working to ensure that Virginia Tech and the College of Natural Resources and Environment will be ready to take on what may be the next great challenge in the sustainable management of natural resources: environmental security.
Article ItemAlumni Profile: Kate Fritz , article
Kate Fritz is executive director of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, an organization dedicated to restoring the bay’s rivers and streams through partnerships, collaboration, and individual and community stewardship.