College Grants Recent Alumna and Friends Awards
November 15, 2011

This year’s Annual Awards Recognition Celebration honored some of the college’s most accomplished students, prominent alumni, respected faculty, and cherished friends. Among the many awards presented were the following.
Charisa Morris (‘99 B.S. and ’06 M.S. in wildlife science) of Bowie, Md., received the Recent Alumna Award – Graduate Degree. After earning her bachelor’s degree, Morris worked for the u.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (uSFWS) where
she focused on endangered species issues and served as a congressional specialist. She continued at the uSFWS while pursuing her master’s, and took her current position as a fish and wildlife biologist with the Threatened and Endangered Species Program upon graduation. Morris’ vari- ous duties with the uSFWS have included serving as special assistant to the deputy directors and as a branch chief for the Consultation and Habitat Conservation Plan. She is
the only conservation framework instructor for the united States and has trained over 90 biologists in 13 states. Morris has proven herself adept at fostering relationships among potentially conflicting groups and has demonstrated the ability to develop a shared vision and consensus among agencies and groups.
Helmut and Claudine Boehme of Sevierville, Tenn., were named Friends of the College for 2010-11. They have made considerable financial contributions to support the Wood Enterprise Institute as well as student scholar- ships in wood science. Helmut, a prolific
inventor and a successful businessman, studied wood- working and holds degrees in architecture and interior design. The couple began to study trees on their seven wooded acres in Tennessee. From this interest, Helmut started crafting historical musical instruments from local wood; his collection now consists of over 300 pieces. The Boehme’s gifts to the college will allow current and future students to enjoy the benefit of their support.
View the complete list of 2010-11 college awards.