Bass Fishing Teams Place in National and Regional Competitions
August 15, 2012

Wyatt Blevins, a fisheries science major, and Carson Rejzer, a building construction major, earned fifth place and a $5,000 prize in the National Guard FLW College Fishing National Championship on Lake Murray in South Carolina in April. Twenty-five teams from across the country competed for the title of national champion in the nationally televised three-day event. “It was a long, hard road, but we worked hard at it and finally made the top five,” Rejzer said.
This is the second straight year that Blevins and Rejzer have placed in the national competition, as they continue to build awareness of their sport. “I’ve had multiple alumni come to me and say how excited and amazed they were to see us on television representing Virginia Tech,” Rejzer said. “Most of them had no idea we had a fishing team, but they became loyal fans immediately.”
On the same weekend as the national championship, two Virginia Tech teams placed in the Carhartt College Bass East Super Regional on Smith Mountain Lake. David Bryant, a natural resources conservation major, and Mark Condron, an environmental science major, placed second, while Nick Preskitt, a wildlife science major, and Clay Ross, an environmental science major, took third.