Faculty publications focus on wildlife
February 15, 2017

Professor Paul Angermeier is co-editor of a new textbook, “Reintroduction of Fish and Wildlife Populations.” According to Angermeier, “The book focuses on those species that have suffered via human interventions. The underlying theme is to meld societal goals, institutional capacity, and scientific knowledge.” Over-hunting and over-fishing were primary causes of some losses, for example, of the American bison, passenger pigeon, and lake trout. The most pervasive current causes of species decline are human-mediated habitat alteration and destruction as well as the introduction of exotic species. The book’s chapters include information on both failures and successes of reintroduction projects.

Instructor Donald W. Linzey has two new publications on a subject he has studied since 1964. His third edition of “Mammals of Great Smoky Mountains National Park” has several new features, including recent additions to the mammal fauna, the origins of genus and species names, and skull drawings of some species to illustrate distinct features. He also released “Mammals of Great Smoky Mountains National Park: 2016 Revision,” a monograph published by Southeastern Naturalist. This comprehensive technical publication includes extensive information on the 73 mammals either currently known to inhabit the park or that have inhabited the park during historical times.