DGIF winter meeting held at Virginia Tech
August 15, 2015

The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) Board held one of its quarterly public meetings, traditionally held in Richmond, at Virginia Tech for the first time in March. Board Chairman Ben Davenport, a former Virginia Tech rector, wanted to give the college an opportunity to showcase its programs for the board members and DGIF staff. The college hosted a reception that featured posters highlighting research in its Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.
“It is good for us to get out in the field where a lot of our fishermen and hunters reside,” said Dave Whitehurst, director of DGIF’s Bureau of Wildlife Resources. “It also makes it a little easier for them to attend if they want to make comments.” Dean Paul Winistorfer, who welcomed the group to Virginia Tech, said that he hopes the group will return in the future.