Matthew Brinckman (’08 B.S.,’10 M.S. forestry) received this year’s Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award – Graduate Degree in recognition of his early career accomplishments. He is currently the mid-Atlantic regional science coordinator for the American Chestnut Foundation.

Since graduating, Brinckman has made remarkable strides worthy of recognition. He first joined the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation as an Extension project associate. Among his many accomplishments, he carried out a statewide project focused on reducing the barriers to participation in forest certification among private forest landowners. His leadership in the formative stages of the project led to an additional $50,000 in funding to build on his achievements.

Brinckman joined the American Chestnut Foundation in 2012 and has been blazing a trail of success ever since. He is a leader in the organization, having taken several projects under his wing, and is critical to the success of efforts to repopulate eastern forests with healthy and viable chestnut trees.