Outstanding Graduates
August 15, 2012

Graduating Senior: Cari Lynn Squibb
Hometown: Eggleston, Va.
Majors: Wildlife science and biological sciences
Main accomplishment: “I conducted a research project through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program at Mountain Lake Biological Station this past summer, which helped me understand the effort required to successfully complete field-based research without the financial stresses usually accompanying such projects. My research on coccidian infections in dark-eyed juncos deepened my interests in avian disease ecology, as well as my enthusiasm for avian fieldwork.”

Master’s Student: Beth Stein
Hometown: Vienna, Va.
Major: Forestry
Research focus: “My research is on the relationship between land cover and wildlife biodiversity in Virginia. Specifically, I am examining the effect of landscape fragmentation and other environmental variables, such as topography, climate, and anthropogenic factors, on biodiversity and developing predictive models to forecast the number of unique species in a watershed based on these characteristics.”

Ph.D. Student: Baojuan Zheng
Hometown: Shenzhen City, China
Major: Geospatial and environmental analysis
Significant honor: Zheng is the 2012 recipient of the William A. Fischer Memorial Scholarship, one of the most prestigious national awards given by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
Research focus: “I have developed techniques to apply remote sensing imagery to generate tillage maps by assessing the amount of crop residue present in agricultural fields just before spring planting. When implemented to survey landscapes over large areas at decadal intervals, the research will support an understanding of the success of conservation measures and improve monitoring of water quality within agricultural landscapes.”