Eagle Scout alums help at Boy Scout Jamboree
November 15, 2017

Lee Spradlin (’73 B.S., ’75 M.S.) of Lynchburg and Bob Radspinner (’77 B.S.) of Blacksburg were among the many volunteers who helped staff the Society of American Foresters (SAF) booth on the Conservation Trail at the 2017 National Boy Scout Jamboree in West Virginia. The two foresters are both Eagle Scouts.
Organized by the West Virginia Division of SAF, the Conservation Trail features exhibits and activities staffed by foresters, wildlife biologists, and other resource professionals from government agencies and the private sector. The trail offers scouts an opportunity to learn about natural resource professions while having fun in a wooded environment. The SAF booth greeted 2,844 visitors from 48 states as well as scouts and leaders from Australia, Aruba, England, Haiti, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Peru, Taiwan, and Thailand.