Hubert Receives Cross Alumni Leadership Award
August 15, 2013

Wayne Hubert (’79 Ph.D. in fisheries and wildlife sciences), professor emeritus and former leader of the Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at the University of Wyoming, received the Gerald E. Cross Alumni Leadership Award from the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation and the college’s Leadership Institute.
Huber’s research focused heavily on the ecology and habitat needs of freshwater fishes but also included fish culture, aquatic macroinvertebrates, waterfowl, and riparian bird communities. A major component of all the courses Hubert taught, primarily graduate-level courses in fisheries management, was inclusion of the human dimension, an element not highly appreciated in many biologically oriented programs.
Hubert has been a leader in the American Fisheries Society for many years, serving as president of the society in 2010-11; as president of the Iowa chapter, the Colorado-Wyoming chapter, and the Education Section; and in leadership roles with numerous committees and other units. He is included in the society’s Fisheries Management Hall of Excellence.
“I am extremely honored to be recognized among a wide array of highly qualified Virginia Tech alumni for this award, particularly because Dr. Jerry Cross was one of my role models,” said Hubert, who currently serves as president and CEO of Hubert Fisheries Consulting LLC.
Among his many accomplishments, Professor Emeritus Gerald E. Cross, who served as head of what was then the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences from 1976 to 1989, created a continuing education program focusing on leadership development for U.S. Forest Service wildlife and fisheries biologists and botanists. The leadership that Cross has demonstrated inspired the creation of his namesake award, whose recipients are recognized for their dedication and outstanding achievements in leading others.